Mr. Biggs, my sweet cat

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cold weather ahead

Everyone keeps telling me to get ready for the cold weather here in Albany, NY and I think I am. I 've never lived in it for any period of time, but I have done my research!!  So I think I am prepared.  This first photo I had on three shirts, a sweatshirt and a jacket, my core was warm. Of course it did help that my core got a LARGE hot chocolate to keep it that way!  LOL.  then I had on tights under my jeans with long warm socks and an extra pair over that, plus very warm quarter length boots.  My feet were not extremely warm, but they were not uncomfortably cold either.  A+ there.  Then I had on the thickest gloves I had bought in Arizona... why you ask? .. not sure.  but they kept my hands from not freezing either.  I had to take them off occasionally to do different things. Then I wore a hat to keep heat in my body & cover my ears. Here I would have done something different.  I need a hat that I can pull way down over my ears.  So I did pretty good considering it was like 46 degrees and I was just sitting watching my husband officiate a high school football game.  I didn't want to sit at home and waste precious time I could be spending with my husband, since I go back to AZ in three days.
Photo time!!
AND, It is official!!  Hal registered his truck here in New York. We both went to DMV and the lady behind the counter was actually very nice!!!  Here is the evidence!
I went and interviewed with a State Farm agent recently and had a very nice talk here in the town of Bethlehem. It was so very beautiful there.  We will see what happens in December when I am here for good.  I also talked to the Regional office in Balston Spa where State Farm has all of the operations departments and it doesn't look good for me at all!  So I am guessing I won't be working for the company after December. But we expected that and I feel good about the  move.
I am sure this is where we are supposed to be.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Autumn in Albany!

I'm in Albany, NY now and am enjoying a week with my husband here.  The weather is very nice and it actually was warm here.  I was dissapointed because I brought all my winter stuff!  But at least I can wear my boots. I walked around the apartment Hal has rented to check out the area today and found my backyard that looks like a forest and a trail.  (I will explore that later).  The leaves are beautiful that sit on the ground and the colors make the ground look like a child's colorful scribbling of different crayons in a nursery class!  I know that a lot of people have seen this before, but I am seeing it in person and that makes it even more special.  Anyway, I was excited to see it all and be walking around the crisp air. This picture is in my backyard.

 The front door to our apartment in NY.  But this is what I want it to look like!
Very "Autumn looking", huh?  Today I drove all over trying to figure out my new home town. Hopefully, it will happen the end of December, which I expect it will look completely different by then!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Son is going home!

My son Trevor has been visiting me since September and he is now going home tomorrow.  We took him to Toby Keith's to challenge him to the 100 ounce meal. It was so much fun watching him try to eat it. He did pretty good, but didn't finish it. I don't think he really thought he was going to anyway.  If you come to Arizona, you have to try it!!

Can I puke somewhere?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"These Boots are made for ......."

 Check out my new boots.  Albany here I come.
Okay, maybe I should have bought boots I can wear in the rain.  I guess I should wait till I am in Albany and ask the local residents. (women, of course).  But I want to be prepared and so I bought for warmth. 
Hmmmmmm   Maybe I will blog later and tell you what I did wrong.

Okay, the pictures are upside down.  Let me try again!
Is this a little better?
Any advice out there in boot selecting?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Missionary pictures!

These pictures were taken in Provo, Utah where Austin went to training with some of the guys. I noticed he doesn't smile very much in these pictures,  he must be goofing off!

Here we got a bigger smile. This was in front of the Provo temple.  The boys in front of Austin were being silly!  Oh well, I'm glad he is making friends and having fun! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Grandchildren

Well, we took the grandkids to Peter Piper Pizza after Kylinn's soccer game. It was fun and the pizza was actually good. Hal is in town for the weekend and got to spend some time with Ashtyn, Kylinn and Peyton.  Peyton is very cute. I'm attaching a picture of her, she will be 2 this coming weekend.  She is a doll and very active!  She looks like her daddy, Eric.